Monday, September 29, 2008

Such a big boy!

Kaeleb had his formula check today and I was shocked at how big he has gotten! He will be 5 months old tomorrow and he weighs 17 lbs 14 oz and is 26 1/4 inches long! That means he has gained 1 1/2 pounds and 2 inches in the past month. Hes such a big boy! Hes wearing 6-9 month clothes now and is trying to crawl. He has his 2 bottom teeth and I think hes working on the top ones now! I cant believe he so big!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Fair Day 2008

Yesterday was the Comal County Fair Parade. Its a holiday for New Braunfels known as Fair Day and all of the schools and businesses are closed for the fair. Lexi rode on a float with her cheerleading team. It was a long parade (3 hours!!) and it was hot but I think she had a great time. I dropped her off at 9:15 and went to find a seat at the traffic circle so I could see her. Her float didnt come by until 12:15! She said it was fun and she loved doing her cheer and using the pom-poms.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Funny for the day

At our new house our kitchen table looks out the window. As the kids and I were sitting down eating lunch today a blue jay landed on the fence. I said "Travis, look at the blue jay." Of course then Lexi wanted to see the bird, so she went and stood on her brothers chair. It had flown into a tree and I was trying to point it out to her. Finally it landed on the fence again and she was able to see it. She said "Mom, is that a pecker?". It took everything I had to not burst out laughing and just say "No Lexi, its a blue jay."

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Go Black! Go Pink!

Lexi got her uniform in today (or unicorn as she calls it). She looks just absolutely adorable! She is just so excited and cannot wait until the parade next Friday. They have a cheer that they learned for the parade and they have a cute dance they are learning for performances set to the Bewitched theme song. They get to ride on a float with the older girls for the parade and she is so excited. Ill post pictures from the parade next week.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Open House and First Teeth

Last night was Lexi's open house at school. We had the PTA meeting first and then we got to go to her classroom after that. Her teacher had taken pictures of what they do during the day and made a cute little slideshow. Of course, Lexi was posing in all of the pictures. Thats my girl! So cheesy! She showed us the chart they use called Living and Non-Living and she knew where everything was supposed to go. She showed us how she plays on the computer. When we left I signed up for the a PTA mom! Overall open house was great and she seems to be doing really well in school.

This morning Kaeleb cut in his first tooth! He has been teething for a while now but luckily for me it really hasnt seemed to be bothering him until a few days ago. His doctor even said his tooth should be in anyday because his gums were so swollen. We he woke up this morning I stuck my finger in there and sure enough I felt it! I cant believe he getting teeth already!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Kaeleb's first football game

Kaeleb watched his first Dallas football game yesterday and he obviously wasnt thrilled with it because he fell asleep!

Monday, September 15, 2008

Kaeleb's 4 month checkup

Today was Kaeleb's 4 month checkup (actually it was Friday but I got the dates mixed up and luckily they had an opening to still see him.) He weighed 16lbs 9oz and was 26 inches long. Hes in the 75th percentile for all of his mesurements. The doctor was suprised at how well he could hold his head up without bobbling it. He is defiantely teething and the doctor said his teeth should be in anyday now. Overall hes doing great and growing entirely too fast.

Riding horses

On Sunday we went to Lexi's friend Taytums 5th birthday party. Lexi and Taytum have been friends since they were 2 so it is really amazing to see how much they have grown. Tates party was at a ranch and the kids got to ride a horse and then they got to brush and feed another horse. Lexi was VERY excited about riding the pony until they said she had to wear a helmet. I guess thats just not stylish for my little fashonista. She watched all of the other kids ride the horse and finally gave in to wearing the helmet.

After she rode the horse she decided to brush the other one. This was right up her alley because she got to brush the pony and put barrettes in its mane. She had a great time.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurricane Ike

Earlier this week, Hurricane Ike was forcast to hit Corpus Christi as a catagory 4 hurricane. This would mean that the hurricane would come straight up IH 37 and would still be a catagory 1 hurricane when it hit New Braunfels. We were forcast to get a lot of rain and 70+ mph winds. Everyone rushed out to buy water, canned foods, and generators for power loss. I try to have most of these things on hand all of the time anyways because you never know when the power might go out. I did have to get water though. Schools were released early or closed all together.
Hurrican Ike came ashore Saturday morning in Galveston, much farther east than previously predicted. We have beautiful sunny skys, a light breeze, and no sign of rain. All in all I think we survived the hurricane quite well :). All joking aside I do have family in the Houston area that choose to ride out the storm so I do hope all is well with them.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Family of Five

So I decided to start doing a blog so that everyone that doesnt live here can stay in touch with the kids going on's.

We just moved into a new house which we are VERY excited about! Its a beautiful brick home on a cute quiet street.

Bud is working like crazy to support our little family which I really appreciate. Because of his hard work I am able to stay home and watch the kiddos grow. He is working 6 days a week now which doesnt leave much time for us but since we are going on 8 years, I think we must be doing something right.

Lexi started pre-K this year at Goodwin-Frazier Elementary school. Her teacher is Mrs. Sundquist. She seems to be having so much fun and asks everyday if she goes to school tomorrow. She has 5 little friends in her class that she always talks about (which I wasnt worried about her making friends since shes so social). She got her first progress report today and shes doing great. Hopefully she will keep up the good work. She has her first field trip on September 25th to the Comal County Fair. She told me "We get to hold the baby animals, but not the cows because they are too big." She is looking forward to getting to ride the school bus for her trip. Heres a picture from her first day of school.

She also started cheerleading. Shes obviously the smallest on the squad but she loves it. Shes on the Silver Elite team. She has a friend in her class which she loves but we definately have to talk each time about not messing around and listening to her teacher. They should be getting their uniforms next week. They have learned a cheer for the parade they will be in on September 26th. They are also learning a cute little dance for their performances.

Travis is becoming such a little man. Hes struggling to learn how to live without Lexi now that she is in school, but we are getting there. Hes my little musician and LOVES to play instruments especially his guitar. Hes very mellow and easy going, but if you push him too far his dads temper comes out in full force. He still a mommas boy but is definately getting to the point where he no longer wants mom to kiss him or love on him too much. Hes going to be 3 in November and I just cannot figure out where the time has gone.

Kaeleb is growing like a weed! He turned 4 months old at the end of August and he weighed nearly 17lbs! Hes such a little fatty but is absolutely the happiest baby ever. Hes cutting in his first teeth and is rolling over from his tummy to his back. He has almost figured out rolling the other way. He is practically sleeping through the night only getting up once around 5 to eat. He has started sucking his fingers which is so cute right now but I know later is going to be very irritating. I just cannot believe hes so big. I have been trying to cherich every moment with him since hes our last baby but it goes by in the blink of your eye.

Well thats all for now...check back as Ill try to update this everyday.